I've done the unthinkable. The inconceivable. The I-can't-belive-I- have-the-guts-to-do-this. I've come to work today.. um.. unsupported. Ok, I know what you are thinking, but I have to fill you in on a little cosmetics company background. The offices dress code usually leaves room for extremely trendy, well put together looks. One can bypass conservatism in favor of style. I've actually attended meetings where members of sr. management (mostly marketing) have worn halter top dresses, exposed bare mid-drifts, and donned mini-skirts. Secondly, today is the first real day of truly beautiful spring weather and I have a cute new top and jeans that I wanted to wear on this casual friday. Unfortunately, the top is one of those summery types that don't allow additional support. While I think it looks fine, and my girl coworkers at work said there isn't a problem, I still feel... a little risque. But is that such a bad thing? To have a naughty little secret at work, that is, for just one day. :)