MBA Cutie...

Life on the road to Ross School of Business at U of M... GO BLUE!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Crying Babies

I don't like kids. Yes, I'm a girl. Yes, I'm aware that I probably sound like the meanest person alive, but it's true. I don't like kids. Maybe I will like my own kids one day, but they had better be well behaved... or else! I don't like kids because you have to entertain them, take care of them, they are not the cleanest creatures, and they don't stick to schedules. Right now, I don't like kids even more. I spent 2 hours out of my 4 and 1/2 hour red eye flight from San Jose to New York sitting next to a couple whose baby decides halfway through the flight to just start screaming. FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. You can just imagine my mood at work today. Thankfully, my manager is in another office, so I can be a little spazzy.

I don't think it's the kid's fault that she chose to cry on the plane. I 100% blame the parents. Why on earth would you bring a baby onto a red eye flight with other business travellers??!! If your child cannot be quiet on a plane, don't take them on flights where the majority of the plane is trying to grasp what little sleep they can. Or you take them to the doctor and get them some medicine to make sure they are quiet during the whole flight. I just think it's common courtesy. I may sound like a terribly inconsiderate person, but I'm not the one that chose to have a baby. If you have a baby, take care of it, and take care of it without causing major uneccessary inconveniences to others. I was bumped up to first class on my trip to San Jose, and even then, a baby screaming like crazy on the plane disturbs everyone. It doesn't matter what class you are in. Why can't planes offer baby - free flights, especially for red eyes? I would happily pay the extra 50 bucks to ensure that someone won't sit next to me with a child in their lap that choses to yell, scream and kick through the entire flight.

Other than that, my thanksgiving holiday, although too short, was wonderful! I didn't get a chance to visit the Stanford Campus. I didn't really work on my essays either. I guess I know what I'm doing this weekend....

I may have to miss my company Christmas Party at the Waldorf Astoria. It's the same day my dad flies into Philadelphia and I have to go pick him up. :(


At 2:23 PM , Blogger i_will_make_it said...

That's funny. Not you're flight, I mean. I'm sorry you had such a horrible flight experience of no sleep, but...

I love kids! I can't wait to have them. Sure they scream, whine, kick, and may drive you crazy. But that's the challenge of being a parent. And that's the fun of learning how to mold/guide another person and to discover ways - as you said to quiet the child. The child may be sick? May have popping ears from the elevation? But even as a parent, sometimes decisions are hard. You need to take the child to see grandma - which means getting on the plane - which means the child may cry - which means you have yet another challenge on your hands & perhaps a lot of angry passengers...

But I was once a kid. I probably screamed on the plane flying back to Asia. I probably kicked the seat of the person in front of me because I threw a fit. My parents were probably sweating up ways to try and keep me calmly in my seat.

Sure, children are not for everyone - so it's good you're discovering that for yourself. But I can't wait to be pregnant w/ mourning sickness. ^_^ It's the anticipation of what's yet to come that drives me.

Otherwise, I hope you had a fabulous weekend in the bay area! Good luck with all!

At 2:39 PM , Blogger Marina said...

I love kids too, but I have definitely been in your shoes when I traveled for work every week. It sucks.

At 6:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah kids on flights can be annoying but they probably don't want to be there anymore than you do. as another poster said they might have ear problems b/c of the elevation or might be sick - hence the crying as they are not old enough to express themselves with words. i know i cried a heck of a lot mainly b/c i had ear/stomach problems, what could my parents do sedate me? (actually they did that once but were scared when i was knocked out for 18hours)

At 7:58 PM , Blogger Single said...

dont feel bad. i hate kids too. and im a girl too. If I ever do have kids I will get a nanny and make her take a separate flight so that I dont have to hate myself for having a loud a screaming baby.

At 9:03 PM , Blogger FMGirl said...

That's hilarious. I was on a red eye a couple of weeks ago and there was a screaming baby in the waiting area. I walked right over to the Palm store and bought some noise reduction headphones. I'm oh so glad I did.

Kids are okay. I'm not a big fan of diaper changes or whipping snotty noses, or watching crappy insipid movies, or watching crappy cartoons on TV (where oh where are the classics like Bugs Bunny).

I like the idea of a quiet area on a plane. Maybe they could sound proof it. No babies, bratty kids, or obnoxious loud talkers...

At 3:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your comments are ignorant and harsh and you certainly don't deserve to have kids even if you wanted to. The rude manner in which you described the incident on the plane pissed me the hell off and I don't even have kids!!

At 10:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey - thought I chime in hear. It's funny how some people take such an offense to the issue. Chill out people. I feel with you, MBA Cutie...didn't think your comments were rude. They were hilarious because they expressed exactly what I feel when I travel. Right on the point :) And I am girl, too.


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