Yesterday passed in a whirlwind of activity. Once I finished finalizing the reservation for the bloggers at Spice Market, I got roped into a project that kept me at work a bit later than I wanted to be. Then I managed to get home, eat a packet of fruit snacks for dinner, and then pass out in my inflateble bed… at 10:10pm, no later! Then was up and at it at 5:30am this morning to come to the NYC office. Bad news is I have to come to the NYC office three times next week. Good news is, next Friday, I finally get to catch up with a girlfriend that I have been having trouble connecting with the past few months. We're having dinner and drinks in Tribeca, and may invite some more girls. I’m thinking about inviting someone else too, but have not reached a final decision on that one. I have been playing phone tag with a bunch of people this week… everyone wants to know what I was up to a Ross! Of course, I say to check my blog, but then, my blog does not openly reveal the juiciest events of the weekend which my girlfriends … and some guy friends... are dying to know about.
I've been thinking about karma a lot lately. Especially after this last "uber-fun" weekend at Ross, and choices I made, I am now wondering… will these things transend and reappear in a didactic manner a year or two down the road? I have to say, I think everyone gets what they deserve and I am a 100% believer in karma. For all the bad things I had done in my life, maybe I got away with some in a certain sense, but I don't think I've ever gotten away with anything. This does provide me with some "revengeful" comfort, because I know that people that have hurt me in the past will get what they deserve, whether I'm there to see it or not. However, I still wonder what outstanding karmatic debts I still have left to pay.
Well, seeing how I have not been home in over a week and that most of my clothes are dirty I might have to wear going out clothes and stick out from the rest of you guys. So perhaps you should dress up as well ;)
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