My Super Sweet Sixteen
I never bothered to watch this show on MTV until this past weekend. I was relaxing at my friend's apartment in Boston, looking for something to do to temporarily occupy my time, and came across it and decided to watch. I have never seen such ridiculousness in my life! (And this is ME, of all people, saying this.) Maybe because I grew up thinking that Macy's was an "expensive" store, the thought of a fifteen year old boy celebrating his birthday by flying to Florida to bring a baby tiger cub back to New Jersey to help him make a grand entrance to his party is just silly. So is the thought of a fifteen year old girl hiring professional models to escort them while passing out invitiations to their party?
Where are these people's parents? And even more so, why are these parents not intervening and knocking some sense into their children? It's almost as if these kids don't even know what it means to be a kid: to ride your bike down the street as fast as you can, to eat cherry snow cones on a hot day and have red lips for the rest of the afternoon, to give your friends makeovers at slumber parties. Don't get me wrong, I think there is a time and a place in everyone's life to worry about their appearance, to throw a ridiculously exciting party, and to purchase a $100k car. I just personally don't feel that the ripe old age of fifteen is really that time.
I couldn't agree more. The most ridiculous show I have ever seen. I only saw the one episode where that kid in NY with a rich dad in the music production business threw himself a huge party at some club. Of course he made a grand entrance in a huge limo and a fur coat. Using his dad's influence he even persuaded Kayne West to perform. I don't know if these kids believe they are that special but they sure know how to take advantage of their parent's success.
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the show I believe is called sweet sixteen..and I just could not believe that these kids would actually spend this sort of cash..and to top it, the parents almost seem to be encouraging it.
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