MBA Cutie...

Life on the road to Ross School of Business at U of M... GO BLUE!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Ross Happy Hour

After work yesterday I headed down to Bliss at 49th and 2nd to to see some of the New York people I had met at GBR. It was fun, but since I had to drive back to NJ, I couldn't really drink with everyone. I stayed until about 8:30pm. It was great to see everyone, and share the excitement of knowing where we are heading, M-trek, and finding housing out in Ann Arbor. Everyone seemed to concur that GBR was one of the most fun admit weekends out there... meaning everyone had a fabulous time. The only downside of yesterday is that I need to figure out how to explain to my manager why it cost me $70 to park my car in midtown for the day... I hope she just lets it go!

Today after work I'm meeting one of my girlfriends and we are heading uptown to visit a retail store owned by the company I work for. We have 30% off all product and 20% off all services in the store through September 1st, so I'm sharing the wealth with my friends. After that, we hope to meet up with some banker friends (if they ever get out of work) and possibly the youngin' (if he ever gets off work --- I hope he does, even if just for his own sake!) and have dinner at YUVA (58th btw 2nd and 3rd) to check out whether or not all the rave reviews are really true!


At 10:30 AM , Blogger Vikram said...

I initial thought that I clicked on a blogger other than Cutie. But have you completed making changes to this new look page or still making more changes.

At 11:01 AM , Blogger MBA Cutie said...

I'm done updating. I just wanted something new... too many people had my background in the same or different colors!

At 12:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


i don't know if you can see it when you log into your profile, but the stuff is hardly visible when it is out of the purple box. I am not complaining, since you have a nice theme going just thought you might want to know

have a good day

At 12:45 PM , Blogger Marina said...

Love it! I am working on a redecoration of sorts myself :)

I think I heard once that UCLA stands for Univ. of Caucasians Lost in Asia :)

At 2:53 PM , Blogger MBA Cutie said...

Is that better guys?

At 3:47 PM , Blogger MJ said...

"christian, ca" is probably using a firefox browser (which is what i use). you can barely read anything on that. it looks fine on IE.

At 11:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

mj is right. i am sooooooooooooo sorry. I am no comp whiz so didn't know..looks great on internet explorer...have a good weekend!!!

At 11:33 PM , Blogger SG said...

I can barely read anything at all on my firefox browser! Cutie, just check if you can fix this...

At 1:17 PM , Blogger MBA Cutie said...

no idea how to fix the firefox thing....

At 4:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

MBA Cutie is just simply gorgeous??? Is MBA cutie saying this herself? Low self esteem?

At 1:40 PM , Blogger MBA Cutie said...

Anonymous -

It's the theme of my website. Seriously, get a life. People that have to get validation from saying that other people are insecure probably have issues themselves. Because, of course, if someone is good looking and says that they are good looking... well they MUST be insecure.


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