The Hot One
After a tough, tough Friday at work in New York City -- two baby showers, one business update seminar, and four champagnes later -- I managed to escape the office, slightly tipsy, and extremely happy, to meet my friend at the Time Warner Center. We were heading uptown to visit a retail store I had helped build out. Randomly enough, I ran into this banker fellow whom I met at an MBA Tour event last summer, and he decided to join me and my friend on our little retail adventure. The fellow and my friend are both MBA applicants for the class of 2009, and they were both eager to hear my insights and advice regarding the application process. When we arrived at the store, we were greeted by the manager, recognizing me as her finance counterpart at corporate. She gave me a store tour while my friends shopped. She then gave glasses of wine to me and my friends while we finalized our purchases. After the store, the fellow went on his way and my girlfriend and I headed over to the east side to meet some other girls for dinner at Yuva (58th btw 2nd and 3rd).
Yuva was fantastic: the food was contemporary, the drinks innovative, and the service excellent. However, the conversation soon edged from blase to spicy (probably to match the food). Of course everyone wanted to know where the youngin' was (at work still, so he couldn't make it to dinner... but he did managed to track me down later in the evening for a late night rendezvous --- no more details can be revealed!). Then started the griping of how hard it is to find someone to date long term in a city like New York. And then, someone announced that they don't want to date guys that are too hot. They want to be the ''hot one'' in a relationship.
I can't deny that I have been one of those girls that will lean over to her friends and say something like ''What is she thinking? He's so not cute enough for her!'' or vice versa. And what's more, I can 100% relate to what my friend said. When I was younger, I think I did sometimes go after guys who I knew were not as good looking as me, mostly because I was insecure that the guys that I thought were ''gorgeous'' wouldn't find me to be as gorgeous. And, perhaps attributable to being a late bloomer (yes, that's right ... MBA Cutie was indeed a late bloomer), this weird thing started happening. I began getting approached by guys who I thought were too gorgeous for me! And what's more, they even seemed nervous sometimes, worried that I would turn them down. I don't feel the same anymore. I'm not saying that I only date gorgeous guys, because that simply isn't the case. However, I do think it is important to me that I'm attracted to whom I date, but whether or not that puts them in the gorgeous category I can't say. There was a time when being the ''hot one'' in a relationship was important to me. But now, I think we can both be the hot ones. At least to each other.
9 Comments: should be nominated for one of the most entertaining blogs out there and then mixing in your application experience it just makes it one wonderful reading experience.
I totally understand your view of the dating game. As a guy just let me tell you that we are all shy no matter how gorgeous we think we are. Getting shot down by a girl is always hard and common gorgeous guys just can't bare to be shot down.
Just my opinion.
Have a great day!!!!
But who constantly calls themselves "gorgeous." Let others call you that. I actually have never seen you but in fact, a few days back when i was just browsing the BW forums, you were a topic of discussion and how at GBR people spotted and found you soo not good in my humble opinion, its an insecurity. However, I must give Christian that he is right in saying your blogs are indeed interesting...I am just stating the dont hate. Go to BW and do a search on mbacutie.
I really don't think I'm the one doing the hating... Btw, this is a BLOG.. just that.. not real life.. or anything else.
You can't win them all, so you know what, I'm not going to try. Glad you like reading my stories, but I encourage you and other anonymous commenters to be nicer with your comments, because when I read things that aren't nice, it makes me not want to post. If you like my stories and want them to continue, I just want to make it clear I don't appreciate rude, mean, or innappropriate commentary. If you don't think I'm gorgeous, that's fine. You are entitled to your opinion. And like I have always said... no one is pulling your leg to read my blog. It's awfully hypocritical of you to read it, enjoy it, and then try to put me down. If you don't like me, don't read it !
I had no idea I was the talk of the town in some BW forums... I haven't frequented them in a while. I didn't even meet people at GBR who asked me if I was MBA Cutie, so I'm really at a loss on what to say about that. Everyone I met there was nice and I can't really say anything bad about anyone in regards to that.
And well... at least I get talked about.. publicity is publicity... who even spends two minutes of their day thinking about you Anonymous? much less do they dedicate threads to you on BW. ;)
Best, besos, and bises -
MBA Cutie
What a strange post by anonymous. MBACutie all I can say is that I would be very sad not seeing you post so frequently anymore. Please let those jealous folks not take anything away from you.
He/She must have really been very superficial, since first of all not everyone has the same taste, and who says that what makes someone "gorgeous" (or pretty, cute, sexy, etc) has anything to do with looks. I alone just love your persona and I haven't even met nontheless seen you!
But who knows maybe you are just too beautiful and people just like to harass you because of that.
I got your back...
its not to hate, nor am i superficial, but i find it very odd someoene constantly talking about how hot they are!!! I mean who keeps saying that? i think that a person who is genuinely good looking should not need to call themselves "gorgeous" or "mbacutie." Let others decide that...i mean if you feel that inside, thats great..but no need to mention it every 2 secs..thats all I am saying..we dont see jennifer aniston or britney spears or angelina jolie saying "i am beautiful" every 2 secs do we? they are hot, they know it..they dont need that reassurance..mbacutie needs that reassurance and if she thinks she's cute, in my opinion there is no need for that.
Anony -
I don't say I'm gorgeous or beautiful every 5 seconds. I'm not sure where you are getting that from. In fact, in my last post, I said I worried I wasn't gorgeous enough! I think you are inferring what you want to infer. I do not explicitly say that I'm beautiful, etc, all the time. as for the "MBA Cutie is simply gorgeous".. that's just part of the Blog Skin ... it says when I've posted a blog.
Christian -
Thanks! I like my posts too. :)
mbacutie- please undo your changes to your blog layout. The blog is now pretty much unreadable on firefox.
the last post says you USED to be worried about being gorgeous enough. you make it more than clear in your posts you think you're really gorgeous. the blog skin says you are just simply gorgeous...because you made it say that. take some responsibility.
I'm sorry I don't sit around all day worrying about being gorgeous enough anymore. I took the blogskin from another site... see the credit associated with it? I'm not changing it. I think it's a cute theme. Like i said, if you have a problem with it, dont' read my blog.
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