MBA Cutie...

Life on the road to Ross School of Business at U of M... GO BLUE!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Worst Allergy Nightmare

It seems like everyone has been coming down with the weirdest allergies lately. I haven't been spared. I took my dry cleaning to a new place and when I put on one of the newly laundered blouses for work, I itched all day long. I come home to discover my whole chest is covered in hives. I had to get everything in that dry cleaning batch re-washed at my old dry cleaners. Thank God for Bennedryl. Although I was knocked out for twelve hours straight, it was much needed sleep.

A friend of mine discovered she has a hidden allergy, but she doesn't know for what. She came back from her trip to St. Louis, bloated, in pain, red, and ten pounds heavier. She's making daily trips to the doctor to make sure that the allergy is dissipating.

But another friend of mine clearly takes the cake for the "Worst Allergy Nightmare". This weekend, she discovered MID-ACT that she is allergic to a particular brand of spermicide. Yes, folks. After intense pain, she relented, went to the emergency room, had to be flushed and medicated. Two excrutiating hours later, she was A-OK. Scary sh!t.


At 6:17 PM , Blogger Marina said...

A few years ago one of my friends had an allergic reaction every time she ate something. I think it was the act of chewing or swallowing. Turned out it was some hormone induced reaction and was actually linked to her birth control pills.

What a way to drop 10lbs though!


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