MBA Cutie...

Life on the road to Ross School of Business at U of M... GO BLUE!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Where is it easier?

Everyone always says "make sure you meet a guy in school, because once you're out, it's nearly impossible!". Now that I've had a solid week of drinking and socializing in the b-school, I do wonder if this really holds true.

First of all, yes it IS easier to meet men in Business School. After all, there are 66% of them and only 34% of Cuties running around. However, whether this really increases the odds of meeting the RIGHT man I'm not so sure about. The huge advantage of being in school is that you have a well defined social network. People go out all the time. They are everywhere! And everyone is trying to meet everyone else. But I wonder what will happen once everyone knows everyone else. There are only 410 people per class Ross, a good sized portion of whom are already married or in a relationship. That means that eventually, every single person in the class will know of every other single person in the class. Of course, we have to consider the available individuals in the class above ours. It's a shame that business school is only two years! That means that there are only two classes of people, or around 850 individuals (350 of which are most likely unavailable).

So, if you don't meet someone in your school, how is it easier to meet people when you are in school? If anything, wouldn't this almost limit your social network as you only hang out with those in the school, and have little exposure to those outside the school. I would think this actually has put a huge damper on mate-meeting potential, as before, while in the workplace, going out and exploring new cities meant an indefinite number of men. Suddenly, there are less than 400 now available.

Perhaps the advantage lies in including the whole university community? If so, it seems to me that we're in the same boat we were in before we went to school. Maybe the real advantage for academics is because of the social nature of school. I know I'm much more likely to go have a drink after class on a Thursday afternoon now than I was to go to a bar on a Thursday night after a twelve hour work day.

Who knows? Looks like the dating game finds a way to make a fair playing field for everyone. It's likely to be hard to meet the RIGHT guy any where, including in school. But then again, if the RIGHT guy isn't necessary, b-school is probably a great place to spend two years.


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