MBA Cutie...

Life on the road to Ross School of Business at U of M... GO BLUE!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Wrapping up the Week

My first full week at Ross has come to a close. I haven't gone out this much since my LA days. The class is incredibly fun, and there are quite a few other Cuties! It makes things that much better when there are other cool people around.

Yesterday was our first day of Orientation (you can find out more about how that went on my other blog), so afterwards quite a few people met up at Scorekeepers to start off the night with $1 long islands (YES, such a thing really exists!!! However, they aren't exactly good.. but they are still pretty potent), and $2.00 pitchers. My roommate and I headed over there at around 9ish. The weather in Michigan is so unpredictable! After a semi-cloudy day, the evening turned into insane thunderstorms. The rain was coming down in sheets. Thankfully, we were able to snag a ride over to the bar so we didn't get soaked walking in the rain.

I chatted with Microfinance Girl , and a few other cuties. There is quite a large California and New York contingent at Ross. We all were busy sharing our M-Trek experiences (some people went on some amazing ones.... Costa Rica, Belize, Thailand and Bolivia... to just name a few), move-in horror stories, and information we had gathered regarding the availability of guys at U-M. General consensus seems to be that the law school guys are the ones to go for, that dating within Ross should be delayed for as long as possible to avoid awkward situations, and that a few evenings a week, if we get to the "diag" at exactly the right time, we can see a bunch of cute, scrub-clad medical residents scurry across on their way to the medical center for their night shifts. After Scorekeepers, we all wandered over to Rick's, which seems to be the place to go after 11pm.... thankfully the undergrads have not hit campus yet, so Rick's was not too crowded and quite a lot of fun. Waking up for orientation this morning was brutal.

On our way out of orientation today, our Campus Tour Guide put up a sign ... we have another drinking night ahead of us... Saturday is our b-school picnic, followed by a house party... and then Tuesday is our "Welcome back Happy Hour". It will be a miracle if my liver makes it out of Ann Arbor alive!


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